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Meet Your Office Staff

Welcome to Bill Libbon Elementary School!

It is with great pride and excitement that I introduce myself as the new Principal of Bill Libbon Elementary School. My name is Colleen Lathery and I have been a dedicated teacher and administrator working alongside our Santa Maria Community for more than twenty years. My most recent administrative experience was at Rice Elementary where I served as the principal of over 950 amazing scholars that I will truly miss but will hold forever memories of. I am excited and eager to bring my skills as an educational leader to Libbon Elementary and work with you as a partner to ensure your child's success. My door is always open and I welcome your input. I can promise you that Bill Libbon Elementary is going to be a place filled with laughter, passion, engagement, and learning!

Our students matter and our hope is that every day they know how special they are and just how much potential they hold. We look forward to meeting our students and families.

-Colleen Lathery & Bill Libbon Staff


Angelina Rodriguez, Office Manager

Luz Santa Cruz, Clerk Typist

Maricela Mandujano, Community Liaison

Anallely Herrera Munoz, Community Liaison

Alma Ruvalcaba, Project Clerk

Savannah Herrera, Health Assistant

Taylor Delabra, Technology Support

Antonia Castillo Library Media Clerk